The Imam Hussain Blood Donation Campaign Scotland which has been running in Edinburgh for 3 weeks has now come to a close. We thank the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service for working with us on this project and for their insurmountable efforts in the last 5 years over which this campaign has ran in Edinburgh. This year the campaign has seen a record number of over 260 donors and a great many potential lives saved as a result of their selflessness. We thank all those who came! We were pleased to also have the Lord Provost and other dignitaries across civic, community, and diplomatic sectors support the life-saving cause. Our aim is to encourage regular blood donors, in remembrance of Imam Hussain [a] and his pure mission. We hope to see you at our next campaign, and in the mean time encourage you to continue donating!

Lord Provost of Edinburgh gives blood and thanks The Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society and Blood Donors

The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) would like to thank the Rt. Hon. Frank Ross, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, for giving blood on Wednesday. The Lord Provost gave blood and visited Edinburgh Donor Centre to thank blood donors, and everyone who is supporting the current Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS) blood donation campaign.